Web Compliance
Our crawlers find elusive content likely to get missed by an analyst or a less sophisticated web crawler.
Our flexible tool is set up to match your industry, regulations, offers, programs, brand guidelines, and disclosures.
Automatic on-page highlighting helps you quickly prioritize compliance risks and reusable email templates make remediation easy.
Monitor your partner programs with daily in-depth crawls to find brand mentions and risks.
Uncover risks hidden behind menus and popups that text-based crawlers can’t find.
Review the actual offers consumers see across multiple devices.
Find brand mentions and risks within and beyond your program sites and across the web.
Set compliance parameters and update them at any time to reflect current offers.
In addition to daily scheduled crawls, get current content when you need it.
Pinpoint and review risks faster with on-page issue highlighting and auto-scrolling.
Identify when a page you've already reviewed has been updated.
Access and share program success data, historical screenshots, and remediation activity.
In this solution overview, you'll learn how BrandVerity helps you ensure airtight compliance of your content across the web.
Review your brand's web content compliance with these agency rules.