We're currently experiencing issues with our website as a result of the ongoing problems with Amazon's EC2 hosting service.
We're currently experiencing issues with our website as a result of the ongoing problems with Amazon's EC2 hosting service.
The European Court of Justice's (ECJ) provided an opinion last week that Marks & Spencer(M&S) violated Interflora's trademark rights by purchasing (but not using) search keywords that contained Interflora's marks.
Be careful this Affiliate Summit when using WiFi. The affiliate accounts at many major networks vulnerable to being hijacked by Firesheep, which means your account could be quite easily compromised. This vulnerability was recently demonstrated on popular sites such as Twitter and Facebook, but we have tested and found several affiliate networks vulnerable as well.
BrandVerity PoachMark now integrates with the Commission Junction API! A number of aspects within PoachMark are now enhanced due to this integration. We are able to provide a much more comprehensive view of individual affiliates and their associated properties.
We understand the importance of knowing that the data you are viewing is as fresh as possible. We've always delivered data the same day it was collected and have steadily reduced the time it takes to report on collected data.
Do you run an in-house affiliate program that uses your own (or a third party) technology to track affiliates?
The recent flutter about Firesheep, prompted us to do something we really should have done a long time ago: Transition our entire site to SSL.
It's now easy to contact infringing affiliates from inside PoachMark!
Last week Google announced two significant changes to its trademark policies:
Sophisticated URL hijackers seem to have settled on a set of tactics designed to minimize the discoverability of their affiliate ID. They've learned that their ads are discoverable and have been investing in steps to prevent detection of their affiliate ID. While we have seen a wide range of skills, the use of disposable URLs and "front" websites has come to represent "best practice," used by the most sophisticated hijackers.