This morning we publicly announced the Affiliate Watchlist. The Affiliate Watchlist has been available within PoachMark for a while, and now we're finally comfortable with the breadth and depth of information available.
The list consists of the IDs of affiliates that we've found to consistently violate merchant PPC policies. In many cases they've been kicked out of one or more programs. The BrandVerity staff has written a short summary of the techniques used by the affiliate so that merchants can decide whether they'd like to allow the affiliate in their program.
In addition, subscribers that are participating in the PoachMark Pool can leave and read comments from other PoachMark Pool members on their interactions with the affiliate. The BrandVerity team will also leave a much more detailed description of the affiliate's techniques based upon data available in the PoachMark Pool.
The Affiliate Watchlist will only be available to validated, subscribed merchant representatives (i.e. it isn't available to trial accounts). Log in and take a look!