We recently launched several new features that our customers have consistently requested. We believe that these features should improve your ability to get and share the information we collect for you.
- Affiliate Report: This new report enables you to filter, sort and search the affiliates that have been purchasing your keywords. You can find the new report here: http://www.brandverity.com/reports/affiliate/.
- Improved reporting performance: We rearchitected our reporting system and now have significantly snappier reports. We had a slightly painful transition to the new system and want to apologize for issues that you may have had during the last few days.
- Add users to your account: You can now add users to your account and give them different levels of access. For example, you can give a client access to the reports and email alerts or you can give someone else at your company access to the reports and monitoring settings. You can add and manage users here: http://www.brandverity.com/account/admin/. If you want to add an existing PoachMark user to your account, please let us know and we will manually transition them.
We are hammering out the details of an opt-in data-sharing service that would allow you to search the affiliate ad-buying history of other opt-in PoachMark customers. If you are interested in testing, learning more or contributing ideas about this service, we would love to hear from you.